Monday, October 12


I feel so relieved after taking my examinations. All that's left is KH. I always thought that PMR was actually gonna be a hell hole but it turned out to be pretty fun. We can hang out wherever we want whenever we want when we're having a free time and the nervous feeling was never there :) Don't listen to what people say about PMR being your worst nightmare because those are only bull.

What happened in school today?
Well , my English teacher , Ms. Veni was walking down to the cafeteria and the International students were walking to the International school from the cafeteria. As usual, Reezal, my laughing gas, said to Ms. Veni "Ms. Veni, you look so beautiful today." in an Indian accent. She didn't hear him the first time, he said it louder and Ms. Veni looked at him, the International dudes were pushing each other and they accidentally pushed Ms. Veni, she almost fall. It was fucking hilarious! I was laughing like there was no tomorrow! I couldn't breath! I was gasping for air but it was too hard, I was laughing non-stop. It took me about 3 minutes to cool myself down.
Then Reezal walked to the spot where she almost fell and he imitate her in slow motion with the sound effects. Then he continued imitating her in fast motion, I couldn't stop laughing, I tried to but I couldn't. It was hysterical! But meh, I bet none of you creatures are laughing because I'm guessing it's probably the "if you're there it'll be funnier" type of thing.